Friday, January 24, 2014


January 24, 2014

Well isn't this grand.  Den is now hallucinating.  He dropped to 80 mg. a day on the first of January, but the past few days he has been hallucinating.   I am not sure what to do but I feel like this is too much for either of us.  We are not sure if this is even caused  by Cymbalta, but I did look it up and yep Cymbalta  can cause hallucinations, and since this is so overwhelming I don't even want to look for more evidence of this drug causing hallucinations.

Crazy town, I fear that they will take it off the market and he will just lose his mind and die.  I mean they should take it off, and I have not seen it advertised in a while.  So who knows.  What millions of people will lose their mind permanently  because they cannot "gradually" reduce Cymbalta.

Oh yes, his blood pressure is higher than it has ever been, so he is taking my blood pressure pills.  Yes, we have another doctor's appointment in a couple weeks, after he has all his upper teeth removed, and he sees a doctor about his torn rotator cuff.

208/172   pulse
230/190  pulse 60

I do not want to call my doctor daughter because I am afraid she will tell me to take Den to the hospital  and I cannot bear to do it.  Should I give him some more Cymbalta?  Is that what this is?  I have no idea.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Starting to reduce again, surprise!

So today is January 6, 2014.  Dennis and I had talked about his reducing Cymbalta by 10mg. after the holidays.  Well, I figured since he has to have a colonoscopy and have all of his upper teeth removed in January, that we would give him a months  pass. Stupidly, I never talked to him about my idea.  So, without mentioning it, he faithfully reduced his dosage by 10mg. on January 1st.  It takes almost a week for the reduction to really kick into his brain, which it did today! I couldn't believe what he was saying.  We have had a rough few weeks but today he found out that his other medication costs have doubled and he got very upset.  Very upset. I wondered why Dennis was suddenly faithless and seemingly unrealistically angry. I was thoroughly surprised until he started putting pills back into his pill holders. He was putting Cymbalta back, because, because he was losing it.

Well duh.  The dog is vomiting on every rug in the house, (the dog is almost 16 years old, very loved, and there is nothing the doctors can do), prices on drugs doubled, loved ones in the hospital, well everyone knows about difficult circumstances..  But I am just writing this to say that I HATE Cymbalta.   He could handle all of lifes problems with faith until he reduced his Cymbalta by 10mg.  We will still handle this with faith in our savior, Jesus.  I told him I was so proud of him and that he is doing wonderfully!